The signs at Castlemartin "Range East" are clear .
Do Not Touch any unusual debris.
Most military items are cleared after training , but If you walk near the cliff edge ,
the items in the pics might be encountered.
Photographed between The Castle and Mewsford Point.
Pic 2 - Various Bullet Tips
Pic 3 - 2 rusty - 30mm Target Practice Rounds (Blue) ,
as used in the Chain Gun of the current attack Helicopters ?.
Pic 4 - The top half of an 81mm illuminating Mortar Round.
Pic 5 - The bottom half of the smaller 60mm illuminating Mortar Round.
These rounds deploy a parachute with an attached flare.
Pic 6 - 2 types of 40mm Grenade Training Cartridges (Blue Tip).
The centre one produces red smoke on impact ?.
Ref: 11649.
Date: 04/05/2013
Location: Castlemartin Range East