St Lawrence Church, Lavernock
St Lawrence Church, Lavernock

A medieval church with 12th century origins at the end of Fort Road, Lavernock Point.
The churchyard wall has a plaque recording the historic radio message in 1897
by Guglielmo Marconi and George Kemp, between Flatholm and Lavernock Point.
A photo by Alan Hughes on

Date: 25/02/2021

Location: ST 186 682

St Lawrence Church, Lavernock

A medieval church with 12th century origins at the end of Fort Road, Lavernock Point.
The churchyard wall has a plaque recording the historic radio message in 1897
by Guglielmo Marconi and George Kemp, between Flatholm and Lavernock Point.
A photo by Alan Hughes on

Date: 25/02/2021

Location: ST 186 682