The Brunel Statue - Neyland Marina , was unveiled by HRH the Prince of Wales ,
the last commission of Robert Thomas, the noted Welsh sculptor , on the 23 July 1999.
Robert Thomas (1 August 1926 – 11 May 1999) was a Welsh sculptor born in Cwmparc
in the Rhondda Valley. He is best known for his work in bronze sculptures,
many of which are on public display. He made some 50 casts in all.
Neyland prospered as the West Wales terminus for 50 years becoming a major trading
route with Ireland, Portugal and Brazil.
Brunel’s massive final endeavour, the SS Great Eastern, paid several visits and as a
passenger liner she made her first appearance off Neyland on 26th August 1860,
remaining there through the winter for essential painting and repair work.
In August 1906 , Irish trading with Neyland came to a halt as it was transferred to
Ref: 3794
Date: 02/08/2008
Location: SM 966 048