A closely packed colony of Barnacles .
A species of Acorn Barnacle.
The wide Rostral plate is just visible in a few barnacles , to identify these crustaceans
as Semibalanus Balanoides? , the most common barnacle on the rocky British Shores.
Reproduce by Self fertilization (permanent hermaphrodite).
Life Span 3-5 years
The 6 plates of the cone fuse together as the barnacle aqes.
They are filter feeders , the barnacle reopens as the tide rises , using 6 pairs of feathery
legs sweeping through the water catching food (plankton and detritus) from the water.
The particles are passed to the mouth which is inside the shell plates.
Ref: 7842
Date: 07/11/2010
Location: Traeth Llyfn beach