Wiston is as one of the finest Motte and Bailey Castles in Wales.
The castle was founded by a Flemish Colonist called Wizo , "Chieftain of the Flemings",
in 1112, on an earler Iron Age Enclosure . From about 1105, King Henry I began to
consolidate and expand the Norman authority by encouraging foreign colonists with
grants of land which hitherto had been in Welsh ownership.
It was to transform the landscape and culture of the region.
The motte encased by a ditch, supports the remains of a
13th century 16 sided Stone shell-keep .
The oval bailey , is defended by a high rampart and ditch and would have
enclosed the main residence and ancillary buildings of the lord.
In the 18th century, the motte was included into parkland as a picturesque feature
ringed by a group of sweet chestnut trees, of which a few ancient examples survive.
Ref: 13096
Date: 04/04/2014
Location: SN 0225.1815