Top Pic:
Lesser Spotted Dogfish - "Scyliorhinus Canicula".
The most common British Shark , grows to 2-3 feet long and like most catsharks they feed
mainly at night on molluscs and crustaceans ,sleeping on the sandy seabed during the day .
During the breeding season ( Nov - July ) , 2 eggs are laid every 5/6 days
which hatch in 5 - 11 months.
Fishmongers sell Dogfish under the exotic name of "Rock Salmon ".
The 2nd dorsal fin lies behind the anal fin in the Lesser Spotted Dogfish , but above in the
Nursehound (Large Spotted Dogfish) , commonly called a dogfish ,
but actually a Catshark - as true Dogfish give birth to live young.
Saundersfoot Beach - 12/06/2012
Lower Pic:
Greater Pipefish ,"Syngnathus Acus" .
A dead fish found on Freshwater West beach ,16/04/2013 , 42cm in length.
Long slender body ,divided into distinct bony rings , long snout , pectoral fins ,
small tail and dorsal fins.
The pipefish is closely related to the Seahorse, and swims in a semi vertical position.
In spring and summer spawning takes place and the male carries the eggs
and young in a brood pouch .
Ref: 10254C-11579