Amlwch Harbour
Amlwch Harbour

With the rediscovery of copper at Parys Mountain in 1762, the small harbour became
one of the busiest ports in Wales, and the copper mine became one of the largest in Europe.
Coppper transformed a small fishing village into one of Wales most
industrious towns of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Copper was mined at Parys Mountain and then taken down to Amlwch Port
where it was further processed and then shipped around the world.
Ship repair / building yards developed on both sides of the port.

Ref: NW 2031

Date: 20/04/2023

Location: SH 4495 9336

Amlwch Harbour

With the rediscovery of copper at Parys Mountain in 1762, the small harbour became
one of the busiest ports in Wales, and the copper mine became one of the largest in Europe.
Coppper transformed a small fishing village into one of Wales most
industrious towns of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Copper was mined at Parys Mountain and then taken down to Amlwch Port
where it was further processed and then shipped around the world.
Ship repair / building yards developed on both sides of the port.

Ref: NW 2031

Date: 20/04/2023

Location: SH 4495 9336